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发布日期:2024-09-19 阅读:


According to Article 29 of the "Notice of Zhejiang Gongshang University on Printing and Distributing the Management Measures for the Student Status of International Students with Full-time Undergraduate Degree" (ZJSU[2023] No.69), international students who have one of the following circumstances shall be withdrawn from the university: (1)Have not completed their studies within the maximum years of study stipulated by the University;(2) Not participating in the teaching activities stipulated by the school for 2 consecutive weeks without approval; (5) Upon the expiration of the leave of absence and the period during which enrollment status was maintained, if an application for resuming study is not submitted within the time frame stipulated by the University, or if the application for resuming study is found to be unsatisfactory after reassessment;(7) Fail to pay tuition and miscellaneous fees as stipulated by the university. According to Article 30 of the "Notice of Zhejiang Gongshang University on Printing and Distributing Regulations on the Administration of Student Status of International Students with Graduate Degrees" (ZJSU[2021] No. 124), international students who have one of the following circumstances shall be withdrawn from the university: (3) Not participating in the teaching activities stipulated by the school for 2 consecutive weeks without approval;(5) Upon the expiration of the leave of absence and the period during which enrollment status was maintained, if an application for resuming study is not submitted within the time frame stipulated by the University, or if the application for resuming study is found to be unsatisfactory after reassessment.

An intended decision of withdrawal from the university is going to be made for the following 2 international students.

1名同学FUSHAI WALTER KUDZAI,学号1809510107,超过最长学习年限内未达到毕业要求;休学期满,在学校规定期限内未提出复学申请且未按学校规定缴交学杂费。

FUSHAI WALTER KUDZAI,student No.:1809510107 has not completed studies within the maximum years of study stipulated by the University, has neither submitted an application for resuming study within the time frame stipulated by the school, fail to pay tuition and miscellaneous fees as stipulated by the university.

1名同学VAN SOMEREN CATHERINE MUTHONI学号:20020079001,休学期满,在学校规定期限内未提出复学申请。

VAN SOMEREN CATHERINE MUTHONI, student No.: 20020079001, has not submitted an application for resuming study within the time frame stipulated by the school.


Since the students cannot be contacted at present, the above decision will be announced on the school website for two weeks from September 19, 2024 to October 2, 2024. If students have any objection to the decision to withdraw from the university, please submit a written application to the International Students Office of School of Law within two weeks. If students fail to submit a written application within the appeal period, the school will deem that students have agreed to the withdrawal.


联系人:田凤莉; 联系电话:0571-28008852; 邮箱:839687682@qq.com

Contact person: TIAN Fengli; Tel: 0571-28008852Email: 839687682@qq.com



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